Friday, April 13, 2012


So I'm adding/swapping pics into my concentration this weekend, but this is what I have so far.

I think I'm going to scrap the cat pic all together. It's not very interesting and I have a more interesting subject that I'll be taking pics of this weekend. I'll have them uploaded this weekend, or by the earliest I can on Monday.


Okay, this is the new collage I made this weekend with the new pics I took. I think it's better than the cat collage, but any feedback is helpful :)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Last minute help

I need help deciding between several groups of pictures. Please help me choose!
 Koi Fish















Saturday, March 31, 2012

Last few pics

Any suggestions on what should stay or be thrown out would be appreciated :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Week 7

I took this picture earlier this week and I kind of like it, but I'm not entirely sure how creative it is. I also made a diptych of the two pictures and it looks kind of interesting because the image behind the owl figurines is a painting of a tree, so there is a natural connection between the owls and the tree that lends itself to the images. But in the diptych the tree ended up looking like a Rorschach ink blot test which I ended up liking.

Any help would be awesome!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I think I might actually use this in the final

I've really come to like the Elephant collage that I made, but I tinkered with it so that it returned to it's original size. The first collage I made looked squished, so I hope this one is an improvement.


So I retook my cranes picture today, and I think it looks okay at the moment. I can try to retake it, but it was really cold outside and I couldn't feel my fingers anymore when I was stringing the cranes up!

Any suggestions on what I could improve? And which one is better:

This collage where the last image is flipped pointing towards the border or

this collage where the last image is pointing towards the middle of the collage?

Friday, March 16, 2012

Week 6

Last weekend I was unable to do my retakes because of bad weather, which extended into this week, but I will be taking them no matter what this weekend. Lately I've been trying to comment a lot on other people's work so they can get feedback to try to help them as much as I can. I've also been working a lot on editing this week and looking at my pictures in new colors, groupings, etc. to see if they'd look better in a different "light". I haven't decided yet if I'll be switching anything out yet, so any advice/input would be helpful :)

I'm going out of town this weekend and I may be stopping at thrift stores/off the beaten track shops so I might find interesting objects that I can include in my series.

  • Clocks/Pocket watches
  • Chess pieces
  • Something with mirrors and an object (you know when you set two mirrors in front of each other and the reflection is bounced back and forth so that it looks like it goes on for infinity?)
  • Ornate bird cages
  • Bonzai Tree with decorations on it
  • Lanterns
  • Vinyl Records
  • Umbrellas/Parasols
  • Buttons
  • Tarot cards
  • Paper cranes in tree with less distracting background

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Experiment: Elephant

I think this collage looks kind of neat because of the contrasting warm and cool colors and the two sides meeting to a point in the middle, but I'm not entirely sold on it.

Any opinions/suggestions/advice?

Or should I throw it out?

Monday, March 12, 2012

Playing with editing

I was just playing around in photoshop today to see what these would look like with different color schemes. I don't think I'll be switching any of these with the ones I already have, but I really love the blue elephant, and the two mask photos. The last photo has the complimentary color scheme of yellow and purple, and the yellow turned out to be extremely vibrant.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Week 5

I will be doing picture retakes this coming weekend. I'm planning on retaking the paper cranes in the tree picture at a different location to make the subject matter pop more. I'll also retake the tarot cards because of that nasty glare at the top.

Also, I made a collage of the Batgirl picture with others that I took at the time and this was the result:

I won't include it in my series, but I kind of liked it and thought that it would spruce up this post a bit :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

New artists to check out

I have a few artists that I've stumbled across and I think they've got pretty wonderful pieces of work. Enjoy them!

Ken Rockwell-

He uses great saturated color in his photos that compliment the city scape that they are set in.

Lara Jade-

She uses surreal atmospheres in her fashion photography that sets it apart from others in her field. The interesting subjects and settings create strong compositions and forces the viewer to continue through the series.

Desiree Dolron-

Her series "TE DI TODOS MIS SUENOS" is my favorite out of her work because of the strong lighting and dilapidated structures she captures.